Gender Equality Projects

Empowering All for a Brighter, Equal Future and Inclusive Growth

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Boost your ESG and CSR goals by supporting our Women Empowerment Initiatives. Our programs offer skills training, mentorship, and resources to help women achieve economic independence and leadership roles. Every contribution advances gender equality and strengthens community impact.

$5 USD

Fund a woman with 1 essential vocational training for better job prospects.

$250 USD

Fund a woman with 1 year of essential weekly vocational training for better job prospects.

$1,000 USD

Fund 4 women with 1 year of essential weekly vocational training for better job prospects.

$4,990 USD

Fund a entrepreneurship program for 10 women, including coaching, training, and startup support.

Sustainable Development Goals for this Project

No Poverty - UN Sustainable Development Goal
Zero Hunger - UN Sustainable Development Goal 2
SDG Good Health and Well-being Impact Program Stramasa
SDG 4 Quality Education Impact Program
Gender Equality - UN Sustainable Development Goal 5
Decent Work & Economic Growth - UN Sustainable Development Goal 8
Reduced Inequalities - UN Sustainable Development Goal 10
Partnerships For the Goals - UN Sustainable Development Goal 17

Dollar-to-Impact Ratio (DIR)

8.7 / 10

The Dollar-to-Impact Ratio (DIR) measures the financial efficiency of the Education Program by comparing spending to outcomes like educational performance, progress, and graduation rates. This metric is key to optimizing spending for maximum impact and ensuring the program’s sustainability.

About our Gender Equality Impact Programs

Our Active Gender Equality Projects

Vocational Training for Cultural Tribal Women

Social Impact Investing

Luxon Region, Philippines

Provide comprehensive vocational training and small business support to tribal women in the mountains of Luzon, Philippines, equipping them with essential skills and resources to achieve economic independence and self-sufficiency.

Woman Empowerment Projects Mindanao

CSR Investing Opportunities

Mindanao Regions, Philippines

We offer support for women in Mindanao by providing guidance, vocational training, and startup resources. This initiative empowers women to gain fair pay and establish their own businesses, including mentorship, skill development, and essential tools for launching and sustaining their ventures.

Empowering Women in Agriculture

ESG Investing Programs

Visayas Region, Philippines

We provide training and support for women in agriculture, equipping them with skills to manage their agricultural businesses effectively and secure fair prices for their products. This program includes hands-on workshops, business management training, and resources to help women enhance their farming practices and achieve economic stability.

Grow Your Company in 4 Steps

1. Select Your Impact Project

ESG Programs

We help you find the best program that aligns with your goals and values.

2. Launch Your Commitment

ESG Initiatives

Choose your contribution model and kickstart your growth!

3. Receive Your
Impact Dashboard

Charitable Donation Causes

We activate your company’s personalized impact dashboard. See a demo example here.

4. Showcase Your Impact

ESG Reporting

Follow our guides or collaborate with our partners to maximize your results.

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Discover the benefits of sustainable impact investing for your organization

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Sustainable and Social Impact Investment Opportunities

Social Impact Investing

Social impact investing generates positive social outcomes and financial returns. We offer investment opportunities in projects addressing poverty, education, and healthcare and fostering sustainable.

Sustainability Impact Investments

Our Sustainability Impact Programs integrates environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria to promote long-term sustainable growth and responsible investment.

Impact Investing Firm

Our company offers Investment opportunities and strategies focus on generating financial returns while creating positive environmental and social impacts.

ESG Investing

ESG investing integrates environmental, social, and governance factors. We offer sustainable, ethical investments with strong governance for long-term value and societal impact.

Our Mission

Being a trusted partner for companies worldwide offering social and environmental sustainable impact projects aligned with SDG’s that unite global benefits with economic growth and boost ESG & CSR scores.

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Sustainable Impact Programs

Social Impact Investing Opportunities

Education Impact Initiatives

Child Protection Initiatives

Gender Equality Programs

Child Food Care Initiatives

Cultural Preservation & Heritage Preservation

Environmental Impact Investing

Carbon Offset Projects

Environmental Conservation Projects

Biodiversity Conservation Projects

Wildlife Conservation Projects

Coral Reef Restoration Projects

Ocean Conservation Projects


Benefits of ESG Impact Investing

ESG Impact Projects

CSR Impact Projects

SDG Projects Philippines

Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies

Green Business Initiatives

Our Sustainability Impact Blog