HelpingTalks ESG Impact Dashboard - Sustainable & Social Growth in partnership with Stramasa

Impact Dashboard

HelpingTalks partners with


Education Program


Children schooled for 1 year

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Environmental Conservation


Mangrove trees planted

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Child Food Security


Nutritious meals provided to children in poor communities

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Impact Projects We Support

Bukidnon, Kibuwa Site

  • Preserving the local forest and montane rainforest on indigenous land
  • Working with the local community to address fire prevention and management
  • Training and implementing sustainable farming practices

Misamis Oriental, Canitoan-Pagatpat Site

  • Helping the community fulfill an agreement with their government to legally acquire the land they inhabit through reforestation
  • Implementing agroforestry techniques to promote food security
  • Protecting the forests and communities from logging

Palawan, Puerto Princesa Site

  • Restoring degraded mangrove forests to enhance coastal protection and biodiversity
  • Partnering with local fisherfolk to promote sustainable fishing practices
  • Educating the community on marine conservation to support ecosystem resilience

News about this project

August 24, 2024
Conducted a fire management workshop in Bukidnon’s Kibuwa Site, enhancing local strategies for forest preservation.

May 15, 2024
Implemented sustainable farming practices in Bukidnon, collaborating with indigenous communities to improve land management.

December 10, 2023
Introduced agroforestry techniques in Misamis Oriental’s Canitoan-Pagatpat Site, promoting food security and environmental health.

September 20, 2022
Facilitated legal land acquisition for local communities in Misamis Oriental, ensuring their rights through reforestation efforts.

June 12, 2022
Strengthened forest protection measures in Misamis Oriental to combat illegal logging and safeguard vital ecosystems.

February 1, 2021
Launched a fire prevention and management training program in Bukidnon, focusing on preserving montane rainforests and local forests.

About this sustainable impact program

With the support of local communities and the government, we established our first sites in 2021 in remote areas of the southern regions. Our team worked through fully-remote training, communication barriers, and travel restrictions to safely establish sites in Kibuwa and Canitoan.

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Feed Hungry Children, General Santos

  • We conducts feeding programs in barrios around General Santos City, Philippines, providing meals and Christian children’s programs with skits, singing, and entertainment.
  • Volunteer doctors and dentists offer medical clinics, checking children’s health, providing medications, dental procedures, and even eyeglasses.
  • Children receive both nourishment and holistic care through these impactful community outreach programs.

Angelcare Science Academy, Aurora Province

  • Angelcare Science Academy offers Christian education and regular feeding programs for young children in Aurora Province, Philippines.
  • Currently, 283 students are enrolled, receiving both academic and spiritual nourishment in a supportive environment.
  • Construction is underway to add 24 classrooms, aiming to expand the school’s capacity to 1,000 students and serve more children in the community.

News about this project

August 24, 2024
Completed a major expansion at Angelcare Science Academy in Aurora Province, adding 24 new classrooms to accommodate 1,000 students.

April 10, 2024
Launched new feeding programs in barrios around General Santos, providing meals and Christian children’s programs with skits and entertainment.

November 15, 2023
Volunteer medical teams conducted health clinics in General Santos, offering check-ups, dental care, and eyeglasses to local children.

July 5, 2022
Angelcare Science Academy in Aurora Province enrolled 283 students, providing them with both academic and spiritual education.

February 20, 2022
Initiated holistic care programs in General Santos, combining nutritious meals with educational and entertainment activities for children.

September 1, 2021
Started construction on new classrooms at Angelcare Science Academy, aiming to expand its capacity and enhance educational opportunities.

About this social impact program

We are committed to transforming the lives of children in the Philippines who are impacted by poverty. Our mission is to provide them with education, clothing, food, shelter, and medical care, empowering them to build brighter futures. We also focus on delivering essential medical supplies, equipment, and medicines to hospitals and clinics, ensuring that children and families receive the care they need to thrive.

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We Care for Communities and Our Planet

Your Achievements and Unlocked SDG Badges

At Stramasa, we go beyond facilitating social and sustainable impact. We support local communities using UN Sustainable Development Goals as a blueprint for global peace and prosperity. Depending on your region and project, you’ll support various SDGs. Unlock goal tokens as you contribute to different programs, maximizing your impact on communities and the planet.

No Poverty - UN Sustainable Development Goal
Zero Hunger - UN Sustainable Development Goal 2
SDG Good Health and Well-being Impact Program Stramasa
SDG 4 Quality Education Impact Program
Gender Equality - UN Sustainable Development Goal 5
SDG Clean Water and Sanitation Impact Program Stramasa
Decent Work & Economic Growth - UN Sustainable Development Goal 8
Reduced Inequalities - UN Sustainable Development Goal 10
Sustainable Cities & Communities - UN Sustainable Development Goal 11
Responsible Consumption & Production - UN Sustainable Development Goal 12
Climate Action - UN Sustainable Development Goal 13
Life Below Water - UN Sustainable Development Goal 14
Life On Land - UN Sustainable Development Goal 15
sdg 16 Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions Impact Program Stramasa
Partnerships For the Goals - UN Sustainable Development Goal 17
sustainable SDG Projects Stramasa 3

Your impacts are aligned with 15 of the 17 SDG’s.

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Your Sustainability Certificates

Every year, in January, your year result of the previous period is registered in the blockchain with a timestamp.

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Education Impact
Location: Philippines
Result: 46 children schooled for 1 year

Environmental Conservation
Location: Philippines
Result: 1450 mangrove trees planted

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Certificate number: 23-04211

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Child Food Security
Location: Philippines
Result: 3890 nutritious meals provided in poor communities

Education Impact
Location: Philippines
Result: 13 children schooled for 1 year

Environmental Conservation
Location: Philippines
Result: 706 mangrove trees planted

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Certificate number: 22-03278

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Being a trusted partner for companies worldwide offering social and environmental sustainable impact projects aligned with SDG’s that unite global benefits with economic growth and boost ESG & CSR scores.

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